
See Me In A Year, You!

I went to see the Audiologist today, since when people talk to me I can't hear them very well.

My hearing is normal, but it's borderline. Literally, there's a line on the chart that demarcates the split between 'normal' hearing and shitty hearing. My hearing is pretty much on that line.

The diagnosis? Come back in a year. It's possible my hearing has always been that way, or it could be diminishing. We'll find out in a year.

Stuff like that makes me think about where I'll be in a year, and more mysteriously, who I'll be in a year. If nothing changes drastically, next year I'll be enjoying the last 'summer break' of my youth. Will I have an internship, or even a job? Will I know what I want to pursue by then? Will I still have the same friends, be in the same relationship? What will I look like, how will I feel about myself? How much money will I have?

More directly, how will my hearing be?

These are questions I can't answer. (But I can guess: no, yes, probably not, yes, hopefully, handsome, good, still not enough, the same.) A year is a good benchmark to see change and growth in oneself, but it's hard to prognosticate that far in the future. Who knows, by June 2009 we might have a Black President. Or perhaps by June 2009 the terrorists will have won.* Who can say? Not me. I can set some goals for the end of the week, though:

-Apply for a job at AT LEAST ten places
-Put air in my bike tires
-Clean my room (aka, unpack finally so I can stop dressing myself out of garbage bags)
-Totally fucking beat Ape Escape. (N.B: this goal is not important)
-Read a chapter of Biology
-Play some guitar

That's all. That's it. There's nothing else.
*Terrorism always wins.

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