

Unpacking today I came across Immanuel Kant's seminal work Critique of Pure Reason, and thought:

"Damn, this would make a good book box."

The only problem? I would feel bad destroying a book I hadn't even read, especially such an important (read: expensive) work as the Critique.

"But what am I going to store contraband in then?"

I concluded the only way that I could properly deconstruct the Kantian turn (to my heat's Kantentment) would be if I read it first. But I'm not going to try to read this book in long sittings, as I'd rather not develop narcolepsy. Reading it in short sittings every once in a while means I'll forget the line of reasoning that brought me to the point I'm at. So I've decided the best way to digest this high-cholesterol thought-clot is a page a day.

Hopefully this will work better than my goal of reading a page of the dictionary a day. Although both works have about the same amount of narrative thrust, I feel like Kant's will be a little easier to hang on to. I'll try to post a short synopsis of each page I read, to keep from reading without thinking. There is also the reward of being able to destroy something at the end.

Maybe I'll read the first page tonite. First, I'm going to stare into space like I have a head disease. I Kan't wait!

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