
...and on the Third Day

Happy Easter to you, if you're into that kind of thing.

I saw a Justice concert on Thursday. It was awesome. One of the loudest concerts I've even been to. I've never experience sound on such a tactile level before. Diplo opened for them, he was great too. The bass was ridiculous. Good time over all.

Is there a program that let's you tag mp3s? Not id3 tags for identification purposes, but keywords, the way blog posts have tags. The kind of tags you can make a tag cloud from. This would be a great feature for either the filetype, or a media player to incorporate. A feature of this nature would have multiple benefits.

It would allow easier playlist creation. I like creating playlists, but the way iTunes is set up, it's hard to create a flexible playlist. It's also annoying because a good playlist is complied organically, as one finds songs that fit together thematically. Usually I get an idea for a playlist when I think of two songs that would work well together. With a tagging system I could label them both, say "smooth," then move on. When I hear more songs that fit that description I can tag them as well. When I want to see how far along that playlist is, I can just pull up all songs labeled "smooth."

Now sure, I could just make a playlist on iTunes called "smooth" and throw songs into it, but it doesn't allow the same flexibility. First, a tagging system would reduce clutter as the playlists would just be a function of searching, not a slew of seperate lists. It would also allow much greater flexibility. The two examples linked to above are both hip-hop songs. However, my collection of songs labeled smooth will cross many different genres. Assuredly, the interface will support boolean operators. (Something iTunes has lacked for too long.) I could limit my playlist to songs with the genera hip-hop, but with the tag 'smooth' This would allow playlist creation to be extremely flexible. Suppose I want songs tagged "one-hit wonder" but only from the 80s. Easy. What about songs tagged both "smooth" and "love song"? Simple.

Boolean logic could extend beyond the realm of tags as well, allowing a user to generate playlists with AND, OR, XOR operators, etc. I could make a playlist of songs with the genre "Electronica" but exclude everything made before 2000, or only songs that are 'remixes' would be included. The functionality of a feature like this is open-ended, both as an organizational and informational tool.

So why hasn't anyone done it yet?

1 comment:

  1. Here's a quick solution, you can add single words in the commentary section of the id3. Then just pop the word into the search bar. It isn't the simplest solution, but I think it would get you all the features you want. You might be able to make a shortcut...
