

The longer it takes for the Democratic party to pick a nominee, the more entrenched each both Hillary and Obama become entrenched in the status-quo. (Never mind the fact that Hillary is already pretty status-quo). Running a campaign this long cost $$$money$$$, and money don't come cheap. Lobbyists and corporations hold the purse strings, and to get at them the candidates are gonna have to make concessions. AKA, no hope or change. Only despair and stagnation.

Let's also not forget that even if you elect a black dude who kinda reminds people of JFK, only time can heal the wounds of the Bush Presidency. Whoever inhabits the office next will be distrusted and ineffectual. It's like a 'bad president' ripple effect. What people who want to move beyond the last 8 years of poor job performance should look for is a strong Congress. But that'll doubtfully work either.

Hope. Change. Ha ha ha, yeah right.

1 comment:

  1. Moral: The longer this nonsense goes on, the more people don't vote/go republican.

    In any case, regarding your comment on my most recent entry, I can't help being hopeless. Wouldn't be Jose without it...
