
A dream

Yesterday I discovered it's unlikely I'll be able to major in Biology because of the scheduling at Knox.

Last night I had a dream that the dean of students tied me down, shot me up with sedatives and started to pry my skull in half. The sedatives didn't completely put me down and I escaped his clutches and went on the run. He captured me and I continued to struggle. Eventually I realized it was inevitable that he was going to win out in the end. He pinned me down and started to poke around a gaping wound at the base of my skull. I started to just beg and plead that he inject me with more sedatives before he kept going. He said that nobody had ever resisted such a high dose of sedatives before, and to find out why he needed to continue the dissection with me conscious.

1 comment:

  1. Party.

    Any chance you know how to go about ensuring that a photoshop project being saved as a pdf retains its quality?

    I got the first copy of my book, and it's golden aside from a bit of grain on account of the pdf having conversion issues. I'm going to fix it before I get anybody else a copy, so hopefully I can find somebody who can help me out...
