
The week in review.

Before I begin. Posts like this are why I do not share this blog with many, nor do I currently mind that it has a low to non-existent readership. These posts are more for my own organizational good than anything else. However, they are helpful in that they get me to write something, which, I hope, will lead to me writing other things of substance.

This blog is turning into a bizarre to-do list with a self-therapy session overtone.

Anyways, here's the run down for that list of goals I posted last Sunday.

  • I didn't write a post that night, but who cares.
  • Also didn't write that letter until later in the week. It was good timing.
  • I don't think I got any guitar in this week. No no, I played once for like 20 minutes. I think what I need to do is go through the mess of papers from lessons and organize them (regardless of teacher) by difficulty, then go though them spending a day or two on each section. This will help bring me up to the level I should be at, without having me jump into it right away. I'd also like to retry Mitch's improv approach with better backing songs.
  • My room was cleaned in stages. It's clean right now, decorations are probably going to find their right place eventually. I spent a lot of time in there today, and realized that I've always tried to make my room an extension of my personality, and my room at home is finally achieving that with a mature design sense. Or I've just accumulated a lot of cool shit over the years and now have an idea of how to put it together.
  • I haven't read a Bio chapter yet, ostensibly because I 'don't have the syllabus yet.' Whatever, I should just read the chapter on viruses. Viruses are awesome, and I have so many questions about them. To make this work I need to get a notebook (Or binder?), cook something really good then sit down with Bio at the kitchen plastic table and chow down while I study. I also still might have an adderall pill from Matt.
  • I did one better than not apply at enough places, I didn't apply at any. Big fail. I need to go out and hunt every day after Tuesday when my Mom gets home. And I need to just go into Blockbuster and see what's up. I could do that, but I'd want some daytime shifts.
  • Sometime that week I rode home from Jack's on my bike at 5 AM and did some reading that wasn't Lem, which was fine.
  • I couldn't find a way to have blogger publish my del.ici.ous feed. But I didn't search with the keyword 'publish.' Hmmm...
  • I actually wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some kind of a way to make a computer publish information to a blog. It's not something I'm going to look deeply into doing for some time.
  • I didn't read any Kant. Maybe before I dive into Bio.
My plan this week is to focus on the paper. I've got some appointments to make too. I did that math, and if I bust my chops, I can make the money to buy the things I want this summer. Doing that AND having spending money- to do that I need a job. The summer's social life is steady, which is good. I'm always more introspective in summer, but I can't let that be to the detriment of my social life. Also, buy a bike lock. My mom said she'd pay for it. My bike goal this week? Well, I need to start riding around with a bag, carrying stuff. But that's not hard enough. Maybe bike part of the way to the lake? (take the bus the rest?) Hopefully an opportunity will present itself. I need to get to the apple store at some point and look into getting that keyboard fixed. I should try calling first. I should also call Kilpsch and see about that bent-ass pre-amp input.

That's my plan, yup.