
The Test Portrait

This was a test of my ability to paint a picture on a 5" x 7" canvas, which is not a big canvas.

It's not bad, but I still might pick up some smaller brushes. On the plus side, this size painting does not take a long time to complete.

Eleven more to finish before Christmas!


A Brighter Tomorrow

The Futurists of the 1970s make for a real disappointing read in 2010.



Learned the basics of SketchUp tonight. This is a house. It's not done yet. Also I need land.


Double the Pleasure

Rat stole my whole pack of gum.


Feeding Time

I gave Sgt.. Firststreet and Winston each a salt & vinegar chip.

Sarge took his chip through the bars of the cage and scurried away to eat it.

Winston lunged at his chip. When he had it, he couldn't eat it, because he also had the cage bar in his mouth.

He tugged fruitlessly. I tried to help by taking the chip and inserting it between the bars. He only struggled more. The chip broke to pieces outside the cage.

I reached to give him another chip, but, by the time I had it in my hands, Winston had already stolen Sergeant's chip.

I gave Sergeant another chip.


Ragtag Fugitive Fleet

Grids! Why didn't I think of them before?

All this has happened before...


The Enemy Within

The Impostor is not to be Injured.

I give it a C. What do you see?

Foot (Incomplete)

This Foot is unfinished, but I like how it looks at this juncture.


Leadership Advice from Spock.

"You can't afford the luxury of being anything less than perfect. If you do, they lose faith, and you lose command."

"And what is it that makes one man an exceptional leader? We see indications that it's his negative side which makes him strong, that his evil side, if you will, properly controlled and disciplined, is vital to his strength."


Lawl Wallerawang

I have the 19,124,094 most common name in the United States.