

So it's been like a month since I wrote here. A lot has happened. My computer was in the shop, I got a cold, didn't get a job (including being rejected at Blockbuster- fuck that.), saw some old friends, saw some new ones, had my wisdom teeth removed, ran out of money, ran out of clippings and beat GTA IV.

Yeah, lots of accomplishments.

I've read some bio and done some work around the house for this project thing and uh... made my fish tank look really cool. No, really, it looks really cool. I have Leopard again and I'm slowly knocking things off my 'Computer To-Do list" which isn't very exciting. I read the preface to the Critique of Pure Reason and maybe I'll post my notes later. I haven't played much guitar. Elsewise, I haven't accomplished much and since I have nothing interesting to say (I wrote down some ideas for interesting things to say) I'll keep this short and end it.